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(products, suppliers, news and trends database)
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You have free access to products and suppliers search engine. There are two ways of searching. The first one is a quick search- you just need to type a word and in a moment Alladyn finds an offer you are interested in. The second way is to choose a product from the list.
Having found an interesting offer you can immedialtely contact a seller. If you wish, you are also able to send an inquiry to many manufacturers from the system.
After you send a message to the supplier, wait for the replay at your e-mail box.
Free access to search engine, European and local range. Products, suppliers, news and innovative trends database.
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If you still do not have an account, register your company. Alladyn.net is a portal of European reach in a couple of language versions.
Complete company details and business card of your company. It will increase you credibility and will enable every user to acquaint themselves with your company.
The opportunity to add your company and products to database in a BASIC account - check GOLD membership.